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Emergency Preparedness planning information


At EmergencyKits we provide you with information about disasters.


Preparing for an emergency is an essential step in keeping your family members safe when disaster strikes.

  1. Buy A Kit
  2. Make A Plan
  3. Become Informed
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At EmergencyKits we provide you with forms and documents that will help you stay in the know about what to do when experiencing an emergency situation.

Premium Traumapack

The Premium TraumaPack is comprehensive mobile medical trauma kit designed to treat a small team or family of people. All of the medical supplies fit nicely in a 1680D PVC Waist Pack with rubber bottom and convenient carrying handle

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Is Your Business Prepared? Creating a Robust Emergency Plan Blog Image

Is Your Business Prepared? Creating a Robust Emergency Plan

Around 15 workers suffer fatal incidents every day due to occupational hazards. Many of these employees work in transportation, and some are the resul

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Equipping Educators: The Essential Teacher Emergency Kit Blog Image

Equipping Educators: The Essential Teacher Emergency Kit

More than 90% of public schools have a written plan for the following emergencies: active shooters, natural disasters, suicide threats or incidents, p

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Emergency Kits and Supplies

At we offer a wide selection of professionally designed emergency kits to meet your specific needs. Our emergency kits (sometimes referred to as Go Bags, disaster kits, and survival kits) contain essential supplies designed to sustain and save lives and provide comfort when disaster strikes. At we have emergency kits specifically designed to support individuals and families, schools, businesses, government organizations, first responders, and the military. For companies and organizations with specific needs, our experts can design custom emergency kits to meet exact specifications. We can even include custom logos and labels.

Our high-quality products, unmatched customer service, everyday low prices, and no-gimmicks approach, set us apart. As a result, we have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for 6 consecutive years.

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